How to fing Ghana Zip code and Postal Codes

Ghana Zip Code, 2023, Find The Official Postal Codes For Ghana

The question: what is Ghana’s zip code or what is the official postal code for Ghana has been asked severally.

These questions generally arise when people are stacked on online forms.

That is when they are required to provide the zip codes or postal codes for their addresses.

Be it the zip code for Accra or for Kumasi or any other city for that matter.

For those doing business online, if you find yourself in this dilemma of what the correct zip code for Ghana is, then don’t panic.

We bring you everything you need to know in 2021.

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I will explain in detail what you need to know. Most countries like the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Nigeria, etc. either use Zipcode or Postal code.

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What Is Zip Code Or Postal Code?

The postal code is a scheme that assigns to different zones or places of a country a code that serves to facilitate and mechanize the routing of a piece of mail.

It is usually a series of digits. Although in some countries they include letters.

It is also used in GPS navigators to locate places.

The modern system postal coding was first introduced in Ukraine, which was a member of the USSR in 1932 but abandoned in 1939.

Germany started using the postal code in 1941, followed by Argentina in 1958, the United Kingdom (UK) in 1959, the United States in 1963, and Switzerland in 1964.

The vast majority of the state postal services in the world use postal codes. However, there are countries where zip codes or postal codes do not exist.

Countries such as Ireland and territories such as Gibraltar or Hong Kong are so small in size that the implementation of the postal code in them is unnecessary.

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Ghana Postcode, Ghana Postal Code, And Ghana Zip Code – What Is The Difference?

Since zip code and postal code have the same purpose, the actual difference between zip codes.

And the postal code is that the term Zip code is used in the United States of America (USA), whereas Postal code is used in other countries.

Hence Zip code for the USA is the most appropriate term as compared to postal code.

This means that it is more appropriate to say the Ghana Postal Code instead of the Ghana Zip Code.

On the other hand, postcode and postal code refer to the same thing.

So for the rest of this post, zip code, postcode, and postal code will be used interchangeably to mean the same thing.

Postal codes have different formats and rules of use, depending on the country.

In most of Europe, the postal code goes before the name of the place or city and sometimes preceded by the country code.

Meanwhile, in the Anglophone countries (of which Ghana is part), it usually goes after the name of the place.

Although postal codes are usually assigned to geographical areas, some identify individual institutions that receive large amounts of mail.

Some of these include government agencies, large companies, television networks, etc.

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Does Ghana Have A Zip OR Postal Code?

Ghana first adopted the postal code system on the 18th of October 2017 after the Ghana Post launched the National Digital Address System.

Ghana’s postal codes are alphanumeric and are unique to every 5 meter square in Ghana.

Before the launch of the GhanaPost GPS, Ghanaians were using 00233 and 23321 as Ghana’s zip codes.

Though not internationally recognized, the zip codes 00233 and 23321 were widely used in filling an online form where zip codes or postal codes are required.

Even after two(2) years of the official launch of the GhanaPost GPS and the introduction of the official Ghana postal codes, most people in Ghana use the 00233 and 23321 for their zip codes.

Examples of zip codes in Ghana are GA078, AK-039-5028, CC453, WS857.

What Is The Zip Code For Accra?

For the zip code GA078, GA represents Accra Metropolitan District, and the 078 is the area code for Gold Coast City in Accra.

It implies that the postal code for Tema or Adenta will follow the same pattern since they are in the Greater Accra region.

What Is The Postal Code For Kumasi?

For the zip code AK-039-5028, A represents the Ashanti region, K is the Kumasi District, 039 is the sub-district in Kumasi.

The last 4-digits 5028 represents the unique address within the postal code.

The postal code with the unique address comes together to make up the unique identity of the area, which is the digital address, zip code, or postal code.

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What Is The Zip Code For Cape Coast And Takoradi?

The same format of the Ghana digital address applies to the other postal codes like CC453, and WS857.

The CC453 is the postal code for the Cape Coast Metropolitan Area in the Central Region, whereas WS857 represents that of the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis in the Western Region.

Here is the list of the Ghana Post GPS assigned to all the regions and districts:

Ghana Zip Code And Postcode List

RegionPostcode For DistrictDistrict NameDistrict Capital
Ashanti RegionAAAsante Akim SouthJuaso
Ashanti RegionABBekwai MunicipalBekwai
Ashanti RegionACAsante Akim Central MunicipalKonongo
Ashanti RegionADKwabre EastMamponteng
Ashanti RegionAEEjisu Juaben MunicipalEjisu
Ashanti RegionAFAfigya KwabreKodie
Ashanti RegionAGAtwima KwanwomaAtwima Foase
Ashanti RegionAHAtwima NwabiagyaNkawie
Ashanti RegionAIAtwima MponuaNyinahin
Ashanti RegionAJEjura Sekyedumase MunicipalEjura
Ashanti RegionAKKumasi MetropolitanKumasi
Ashanti RegionAMMampong MunicipalMampong
Ashanti RegionANAsante Akim NorthAgogo
Ashanti RegionAOMunicipal ObuasiObuasi
Ashanti RegionAPSekyere Afram PlainsDrobonso
Ashanti RegionAQSekyere Central
Ashanti RegionARSekyere EastEffiduase
Ashanti RegionASAsokore Mampong Municipal
Ashanti RegionATBosomtweKuntanase
Ashanti RegionAUKumawuKumawu
Ashanti RegionAVAmansie CentralJacobu
Ashanti RegionAWAmansie WestManso Nkwanta
Ashanti RegionAXAhafo Ano NorthTepa
Ashanti RegionAYAhafo Ano SouthMankranso
Ashanti RegionAZSekyere SouthAgona
Ashanti RegionA2Adansi NorthFomena
Ashanti RegionA3Adansi SouthNew Edubiase
Ashanti RegionA4, A9Bosome FrehoAsiwa
Ashanti RegionA6Offinso NorthAkomadan
Ashanti RegionA7Offinso South MunicipalNew Offinso
Brong Ahafo RegionBAAtebubu-AmantinAtebubu
Brong Ahafo RegionBBBerekum MunicipalBerekum
Brong Ahafo RegionBCBandaBanda Ahenkro
Brong Ahafo RegionBDMunicipal DormaaDormaa-Ahenkro
Brong Ahafo RegionBEDormaa EastWamfie
Brong Ahafo RegionBFDormaa WestNkrankwanta
Brong Ahafo RegionBGSene EastKajaji
Brong Ahafo RegionBHSene WestKwame Danso
Brong Ahafo RegionBIJaman SouthDrobo
Brong Ahafo RegionBJJaman NorthSampa
Brong Ahafo RegionBKKintampo North MunicipalKintampo
Brong Ahafo RegionBLKintampo SouthJema
Brong Ahafo RegionBNNkoranza NorthBusunya
Brong Ahafo RegionBONkoranza South MunicipalNkoranza
Brong Ahafo RegionBPPruYeji
Brong Ahafo RegionBQAsutifi NorthKenyasi
Brong Ahafo RegionBRAsutifi SouthHwidiem
Brong Ahafo RegionBSSunyani MunicipalSunyani
Brong Ahafo RegionBTTechiman MunicipalTechiman
Brong Ahafo RegionBUAsunafo North MunicipalGoaso
Brong Ahafo RegionBVAsunafo SouthKukuom
Brong Ahafo RegionBWWenchi MunicipalWenchi
Brong Ahafo RegionBXTechiman NorthTuobodom
Brong Ahafo RegionBYSunyan WestOdomase
Brong Ahafo RegionBZTainNsawkaw
Brong Ahafo RegionB2Tano NorthDuayaw-Nkwanta
Brong Ahafo RegionB3Tano SouthBechem
Central RegionCAAbura Asebu KwamankeseDunkwa
Central RegionCBAsikuma Odoben BrakwaBreman Asikuma
Central RegionCCCape Coast MetropolitanCape Coast
Central RegionCEEffutu MunicipalWinneba
Central RegionCFEkumfiEssarkyir
Central RegionCGGomoa EastAfransi
Central RegionCHTwifo Heman Lower DenkyiraHeman
Central RegionCIGomoa WestApam
Central RegionCJAjumako Enyan EsiamAjumako
Central RegionCKKomenda Edina Eguafo MunicipalElmina
Central RegionCMMunicipal MfantsemanSaltpond
Central RegionCOAgona West MunicipalSwedru
Central RegionCPAgona EastNsaba
Central RegionCRAssin North MunicipalAssin Fosu
Central RegionCSAssin SouthNsuaem-Kyekyewere
Central RegionCTTwifo-Ati MorkwaTwifo Praso
Central RegionCUUpper Denkyira East MunicipalDunkwa-on-Offin
Central RegionCVUpper Denkyira WestDiaso
Central RegionCWAwutu SenyaAwutu Breku
Central RegionCXAwutu Senya East MunicipalKasoa
Eastern RegionEAAsuogyamanAtimpoku
Eastern RegionEBBirim Central MunicipalAkim Oda
Eastern RegionEDDenkyembourAkwatia
Eastern RegionEEEast Akim MunicipalKibi
Eastern RegionEFFanteakwaBegoro
Eastern RegionEGNsawam Adoagyiri MunicipalNsawam
Eastern RegionEHKwahu EastAbetifi
Eastern RegionEIKwahu SouthMpreaso
Eastern RegionEJKwahu West MunicipalNkawkaw
Eastern RegionEKKwaebibiremKade
Eastern RegionELLower Manya Krobo MunicipalOdumase
Eastern RegionEMAkyemansaOfoase
Eastern RegionENNew Juaben MunicipalKoforidua
Eastern RegionEOAyensuanoCoaltar
Eastern RegionEPKwahu Afram Plains NorthDonkorkrom
Eastern RegionEQKwahu Afram Plains SouthTease
Eastern RegionESMunicipal SuhumSuhum
Eastern RegionETAtiwaKwabeng
Eastern RegionEUUpper Manya KroboAsesewa
Eastern RegionEVUpper West AkimAdeiso
Eastern RegionEWWest Akim MunicipalAsamankese
Eastern RegionEXBirim NorthNew Abirim
Eastern RegionEYYilo Krobo MunicipalSomanya
Eastern RegionEZBirim SouthAkim Swedru
Eastern RegionE2Akuapem North MunicipalAkropong
Eastern RegionE3Akuapem SouthAburi
Greater Accra RegionGAAccra MetropolitanNorth Ridge - GA015 - GA017, GA028 - GA031, GA052 - GA054, GA076, GA080
West Ridge - GA050, GA051, GA077, GA107 
Gold Coast City - GA078, GA079, GA110, GA111 
Osu - GA032, GA035, GA055, GA056, GA081, GA082, GA112 - GA116 - 148 
Victoriaborg - GA143 - GA145, GA184 - GA186 
Asylum Down - GA027, GA028, GA048, GA049, GA073 
Adabraka - GA050, GA074 - GA076, GA100 - GA103 
Tudu - GA105, GA106, GA141, GA142
Greater Accra RegionGBAshaiman MunicipalAshaiman, Tema communities 21 and 22
Greater Accra RegionGCMunicipal Central GaSowutuom
Greater Accra RegionGDAdentan MunicipalAdenta
Greater Accra RegionGEGa East MunicipalAbokobi
Greater Accra RegionGKKpone KatamansoKpone, Oyibi, Tema communities 24 and 25
Greater Accra RegionGLThe Municipal Kotopon DadeLabadi, Cantonments, Burma Camp, Airport City
Greater Accra RegionGMThe Nkwantanang Madina MunicipalMadina
Greater Accra RegionGNNingo PrampramPrampram
Greater Accra RegionGOShai OsudokuDodowa
Greater Accra RegionGSGa South MunicipalWeija
Greater Accra RegionGTMetropolitan ThemeTheme communities 1 - 20, 23
Greater Accra RegionGWGa West MunicipalAmasaman
Greater Accra RegionGXAda WestSege
Greater Accra RegionGZLedzokuku-Krowor MunicipalTeshie, Nungua, Baatsona
Northern RegionNAKpandaiKpandai
Northern RegionNBBoleBole, Bamboi, Maluwe, Tinga, Tasilma, Mandari, Banda / Nkwanta
Northern RegionNCChereponiChereponi
Northern RegionNDWest MamprusiWalewale
Northern RegionNEEast MamprusiGambaga
Northern RegionNFTatale SanguliTatale
Northern RegionNGGusheguGushegu
Northern RegionNIMionSang
Northern RegionNKKumbuguKumbugu
Northern RegionNLTolonTolon
Northern RegionNMMamprugu MoaduriYagaba
Northern RegionNNNanumba NorthBimbilla
Northern RegionNONanumba SouthWulensi
Northern RegionNPBunkpurugu-YunyooBunkpurugu
Northern RegionNRKaragaKaraga
Northern RegionNSSagneriguSagnerigu
Northern RegionNTMetropolitan TamaleTamale
Northern RegionNUSavelugu Nanton MunicipalSavelugu
Northern RegionNWSawla Tuna KalbaSawla
Northern RegionNXSabobaSaboba
Northern RegionNYYendi MunicipalYendi
Northern RegionNZZabzuguZabzugu
Northern RegionN2North GonjaDaboya
Northern RegionN3Central GonjaBuipe
Northern RegionN4East GonjaSalaga
Northern RegionN5West GonjaDamongo
Upper East RegionUABawku MunicipalBawku
Upper East RegionUBBolgatanga MunicipalBolgatanga
Upper East RegionUGGaru TempaneGaru
Upper East RegionUKKassena Nankana MunicipalNavrongo
Upper East RegionULKassena Nankana WestPay
Upper East RegionUNNabdamNangodi
Upper East RegionUOBongo drumBongo drum
Upper East RegionUPPusigaPusiga
Upper East RegionURBuilsa NorthSandema
Upper East RegionUSBuilsa SouthFumbisi
Upper East RegionUTTalensiTongo
Upper East RegionUUBinduriBinduri
Upper East RegionUWBawku WestBuckle
Upper West RegionXDDaffiama Bussie IssaIssa
Upper West RegionXJJirapaJirapa
Upper West RegionXKLambussi KarniLambussi
Upper West RegionXLLawraLawra
Upper West RegionXNNandomNandom
Upper West RegionXONadowli Kaleo istrictNadowli
Upper West RegionXSSissala EastTumu
Upper West RegionXTSissala WestGwollu
Upper West RegionXWMunicipal WaWa
Upper West RegionXXWa EastFunsi
Upper West RegionXYWa WestWechiau
Volta RegionVAAdakluAdaklu Waya
Volta RegionVBBiakoyeNkonya
Volta RegionVCMunicipal HohoeHohoe
Volta RegionVDNorth Dayi MunicipalAnfoega
Volta RegionVESouth DayiKpeve
Volta RegionVFAfadzato SouthGo Golokwati
Volta RegionVGAgotime ZiopeKpetoe
Volta RegionVHMunicipal HoHo
Volta RegionVIHo WestDzolokpuita
Volta RegionVJJasikanJasikan
Volta RegionVKMunicipal KetaKeta
Volta RegionVMKadjebiKadjebi
Volta RegionVNNkwanta NorthWhat's up
Volta RegionVONkwanta SouthNkwanta
Volta RegionVPMunicipal KpandoKpando
Volta RegionVQKrachi NchumuruChindiri
Volta RegionVRKrachi EastDambai
Volta RegionVSKrachi WestKete Krachi
Volta RegionVTNorth TonguBattor Dugame
Volta RegionVUSouth TonguSogakope
Volta RegionVVCentral TonguAdidome
Volta RegionVWAkatsi NorthAve Dakpa
Volta RegionVXAkatsi SouthAkatsi
Volta RegionVYKetu NorthDzodze
Volta RegionVZKetu South MunicipalDenu
Western RegionWAAowinEnchi
Western RegionWBBibiani / Anhwiaso / BekwaiBibiani
Western RegionWCBia EastAdabokrom
Western RegionWDBia WestEssam
Western RegionWEEllembelleNkroful
Western RegionWFSefwi AkontombraAkontombra
Western RegionWGSefwi Wiawso MunicipalWiawso
Western RegionWHAhanta WestAgona Ahanta
Western RegionWJJomoroHalf Assini
Western RegionWMMpohorMpohor
Western RegionWNNzema East MunicipalAxim
Western RegionWOBodiBodi
Western RegionWPPresents Huni ValleyPrestea
Western RegionWQJuabosoJuaboso
Western RegionWRShamaShama
Western RegionWSSekondi-Takoradi MetropolitanSekondi-Takoradi
Western RegionWTTarkwa Nsuaem MunicipalTarkwa
Western RegionWUSuamanDadieso
Western RegionWWCentral AmenfiManso Amenfi
Western RegionWXAmenfi EastWassa-Akropong
Western RegionWYAmenfi WestAsankrangwa
Western RegionWZWassa EastDaboase

So where from the zip code 00233?

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What Is Ghana’s Zip Code For Filling Forms – 00233 OR 23321?

From the above, you can see that Ghana recently adopted the postal code system in 2021.

For those online shoppers or anyone who is filling an online form, it is advisable to use 00233 or 23321 since it works just fine.

This simple and easy article Was Last Updated on by Nana Abrokwa

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38 thoughts on “Ghana Zip Code, 2023, Find The Official Postal Codes For Ghana”

  1. It is very clear to me now. I was confused about the whole thing about ZIP code and POSTAL code. But please I stay at Accra and if I use my Ghana post GPS address for my zip code the website reject it unless I use the 00233 for that one it works. Is there any way to use the GPS address?

    1. Hi Amofa, Thanks you found it helpful. For now the Ghana Post GPS address is not recognized on most e-commerce platforms so it would be best to stick with the 00233.

    1. Thanks for passing by. The codes +233 and 00233 are the Ghana country codes which are different from the postal or zip code. Hope that helps.

  2. Exceptional information. This meas the calling code and postal code are the same. I think this is the time for more public education on the Ghana Post GPS.

  3. I’m very happy to find this great blog. I have learned a lot from this piece. Zipcodes are a bit dicey to understand.

  4. Thanks for the information. I have 1 question. What is the address code, and is that different from zipcode and postal code?

  5. I was filing a form online and I saw area code, is that the same as zip code? should I use the 00233 as you suggested or i should just enter the +233 because in some fields I can see some people are also recommending the +233. please help me.

  6. I dont know if the zip code for Tema is different. i tried using the code for Ghana but it keeps rejecting.
    Any help!

  7. Hi Abrokwa. Am Joseph from Obuasi, I was shipping my parcel from the US and in the shipping address i was to provide a zip code. Because I wanted the item delivered to my location, i used the GPS address. Is this anything wrong with that? Please kindly help me.

  8. Dumo Asechemie

    A very informative post. Thank you author for this article. You have really helped a lot of lives. Stay blessed.

  9. Please i am filling a passport form manually and not online but i am asked to write the Zip/Post Code so which code should I use.

    1. Hi Eben,

      Like I explained in the post, you can use either +233 or 00233 as the ZIP Code or Postal Code for Ghana.

      Because you are filling the form manually, I suggest you use 00233 as the ZIP Code.

  10. Christopher Mensah

    I am filling a form online and am asked to input my zip code so I dial the +233 but I was asked to put a valid postal code so I need your help.

    1. Hi Christopher,

      Have you tries 00233? If you haven’t done that then enter that code and let me know if it works for you.

      Looking forward to a positive reply.

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