How To Fix KPLC Prepaid Meter When Not Loading The Tokens

How To Fix KPLC Prepaid Meter When Not Loading The Token, 2022

Chances you are here because you would like to learn how to fix KPLC prepaid meter when not loading the token.

It is a common problem many prepaid customers encounter, and here we’ll share what you need to do.

In most cases, you may experience this problem with the token not loading due to an error in the meter number. 

But also sometimes the reason for the error is because the meter tariff may differ from the one program on the meter, or the electricity credit token entered into the meter may be incorrect.

Nevertheless, Kenya Power has taken several steps to guarantee that the KPLC token delay does not cause you any inconvenience.

We researched several options for resolving the KPLC token delay.

How to fix KPLC prepaid meter when not loading the token

If you are experiencing a meter not loading token problem, the only way to fix the problem is to reach out for customer care service.

Below are different ways you can contact KPLC customer care for assistance:

1. Contact customer care through Twitter and Facebook

Kenya Power’s customer service page is among the most active on social media.

They can be found on Twitter as @ KenyaPower Care and Facebook as KenyaPowerLtd.

You can inform them of your predicament by tweeting or emailing them; be certain to include your power meter number.

The customer service representative will then respond with the token amount as well as the precise amount paid.

Customers will be notified in advance if there is a delay in processing tokens on the social media pages.

The social media platforms are also useful for inquiring about the KPLC token prices or any other changes.

2. Contact customer care through Email

You can send an Email to KPLC to inquire about the status of your prepaid tokens,

Ensure to indicate your meter number as well as the amount spent to earn the tokens.

3. Contact customer care through Telegram

The Kenya power bot on Telegram can help fix this issue of token not loading ontime as you get to ask the question, and it gives you feedback immediately.

If you add the Kenya Power bot to your conversations, you will get a list of the services that are accessible.

4. Call Customer Care To Fix KPLC Prepaid Meter When Not Loading

The last option is to call KPLC customer care through their hotline by dialing 95551. 

That is how to fix KPLC prepaid meter when not loading the tokens.

This simple and easy article Was Last Updated on by Nana Abrokwa

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1 thought on “How To Fix KPLC Prepaid Meter When Not Loading The Token, 2022”

  1. You offer the most useless customer care services ever, I wish I had an alternative for the power, I have been complaining for the past one week and my issue has not been resolved

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