Pay your Santander Auto Loan online

Santander Auto Loan Payment Online, 2022, Simple & Easy

Many people wonder if they can pay Santander auto loan online. Yes, that is possible.

You can make your Santander auto loan payment online in just a few minutes. It doesn’t take much of your time.

This method of payment is possible if you have a Santander Savings or Checking account which is linked to your Auto Loan.

Santander offers one of the best auto loans, and you can apply for one both new and used cars.

One thing you should know is that Santander auto loan rates are very flexible. The loan application is easy irrespective of your credit history.

You must read this too: Ultimate Guide To Santander Online Banking.

How To Pay Your Santander Auto Loan Online

Make your Santander car loan payment online
Auto Loan Payment

Follow these steps if you want to transfer money from your Savings or checking account to your Santander Auto Loan:

1. Open your browser and enter or the website address corresponding t your country.

2. Go to the login page and sign in to your online banking account.

3. Once you log in, locate the Transfer Funds link and click on it.

4. Next, please choose the option that says Between my Santander Accounts. This means you are transferring the funds from one of your Santander accounts to another on the online account.

5. You need to select the account from which you are transferring the funds. This is the account to be debited.

6. The next thing do is to select the account to be credited. This is your Santander account you are transferring the money into.

7. Enter the amount to be transferred into the account.

8. Next, you must select how often you wish to make the payment from this account.

9. Click on the Continue tab.

10. When everything is done, take a minute to review the payment details and then press Confirm.

That is it. You have successfully settled your Santander Car Loan payment online.

Please note that the transfer frequency can vary, and it depends on the option you select. You can choose to set the transfer frequency to one-time, weekly, monthly, yearly, or whatever you wish.

You can make a monthly payment of the car loan if that is what you wish.

Read also: Ultimate Guide To Xoom Money Transfer.

Here Are The Other Ways To Make Your Santander Auto Loan Payment

Paying your Santander auto loan online is just one of the many means of making the settlement.

There are other ways to do that though not as straightforward as the online method.

You can make your payment using any of these methods:

Visit any of the Santander Bank branches near you and pay for your car loan there.

Call Santander on the phone. You can contact Santander bank directly on the phone by calling this toll-free number: 1-877-768-2265.

You can, therefore, arrange with them to make your auto loan payment using the pre-authorized payment methods.

It is advisable to call them between 6 am and 10 pm ET because that is the time you can get someone to talk to on the phone.

Moreover, the phone call service is available throughout the week. You can call them and schedule your car loan payment, even on weekends.

The last option for you to make you Santander auto loan payment is via mail. You can mail your loan payments to the following address:

Santander Bank N.A.
Attn: Consumer Loan Department
P.O. Box 16255
Reading, PA 19612

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Other Santander Auto Loan Mailing Address

Regular Mail
Santander Consumer USA Inc.
P.O. Box 660633
Dallas, TX 75266-0633

Overnight mail, certified mail or Next Day Air
Santander Consumer USA Inc.
1010 W. Mockingbird Lane
Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75247

Please note: Before you make payment for your auto loan online and for that matter, any other fee, make sure you call the Santander customer service or visit

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These Are Some Loan Terms You Must Understand

Auto Refinance: Refinancing your car means you are paying off the existing balance of your car loan by taking a new loan. People mostly refinance their auto loans in order to save money because you can score a lower interest rate.

Credit Score: The score is an indication of how likely you are to repay your debt. Before most banks and lenders approve your loan, they first consider your credit history. If you have a very good credit score, then they will approve your loan faster. It doesn’t mean bad credit scores always lead to denial of the loan.

Loan term: This refers to the specific features included in your loan, such as required payments, rates, as well as the length of time for you to repay the loan.

Loan calculator: Most people want to know how much a personal loan will cost them as they pay back every month. You can get this vital information by using a loan calculator. Here is how it works: you enter the relevant information into the calculator, and it calculates your monthly payments or other vital information.

So now you know that you can pay your Santander car loan online. What are you waiting for?

You may also like to read this: How To Register For GTBank Transfer Code.

This simple and easy article Was Last Updated on by Nana Abrokwa

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