Cash App Routing Number 041215663

Cash App Routing Number 041215663, Official Routing Number

Today’s banking and financial guide will focus on the Cash App routing number 041215663.

A routing number is a nine-digit code used in the US to identify a financial institution


Federal Reserve Banks use the numbers to process Fedwire funds transfers, Automated Clearing House (ACH) direct deposits, bill payments, and other automated transfers.

Where To Find Routing Number 041215663

You can put the routing number on your check.

It is the first set of numbers at the bottom of your check, followed by the account number and finally the check number.

This is how to find the Routing Number 041215663 in the US.

Cash App Routing Number 041215663

041215663 is the old Cas App routing number from Sutton Bank.

The routing number was replaced by 073923033 from Lincoln Bank to facilitate Fedwire transfers for cash app users.

Sutton Bank is the banking partner of Cash App and manages the Cash App card services.

This is all the information about Cash App Routing Number 041215663 in the US.

How To Use Cash App Routing Number 041215663

To use your account and routing number, please follow the steps below:

  1. First, open your Cash App and tap the Banking tab on your home screen
  2. Next, tap the routing and account number below your balance
  3. After that, copy your account and routing number 041215663
  4. When prompted for a bank account during direct deposit setup, please provide the account and routing number you copied

This is how to use Routing Number 041215663 in the US.

How To Get A Direct Deposit Form

Follow the steps below to get a direct deposit form:

  1. First, tap the Banking tab on your Cash App home screen
  2. After that, tap Direct Deposit
  3. Next, select Get Direct Deposit Form
  4. After that, fill out your employer information and the amount you want to be deposited from each paycheck. 
  5. Next, provide your signature. 
  6. After that, select Email Form and enter the recipient address, and tap send

You can view the completed direct deposit form by tapping Get Direct Deposit Form from the Banking tab and selecting View Previous Form.

This is how to get a Cash App direct deposit form in the US.

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