How To Pay KPLC Bill Via Equity App

How To Pay KPLC Bill Via Equity App (Eazzy Banking App ), Pay KPLC With Ease

If you are a KPLC postpaid customer and have an Equity bank account, do you know it is unnecessary to go to the bank to pay the KPLC bill at the counter? Yes, you can pay KPLC bill via Equity App (Eazzy Banking App) without visiting the bank to make the payment.

In this blog post, I’ll share with you step by step how to pay the KPLC bill via the equity app (Eazzy Banking App). Even if it is the first time to use the Equity App (Eazzy Banking App), here, I’ll explain everything you need to do and successfully pay the bill through the Equity app (Eazzy Banking App).

Equity bank has introduced the Equity app to enable all its customers’ easy access to their bank anytime, anywhere.  Among the features in the App is allowing you to make payment of your bill easily and avoid being late to make the payments.

The Equity app is a new innovative platform that gives you more freedom, choice, and control over your money and communication. The Equity app (Eazzy Banking App) has tools and features that allow you to do all of your financial operations.

The ability to [pay KPLC bills through the Equity app(Eazzy Banking App) is all possible since KPLC has adopted mobile banking as one way to receive payments. They have introduced pay bills, making it easy and fast to pay the bill through Equity bank.

How to pay KPLC bill via equity app (Eazzy Banking App)

Here is a step-by-step guide on what to do and successfully p[ay KPLC bill through the Equity App (Eazzy Banking App). 

First, you have to install the Equity App (Eazzy Banking App), which is available for free on Google or the Apple store. After installing the App, you have then to sign in using your equity bank account. 

After successfully signing in, here are steps to follow and PAY the KPLC bill. Launch equity app (Eazzy Banking App)

  •         Select my money
  •         Select Eazzy Pay
  •         Select Pay bill
  •         Select the Bank Account from which you want to pay from
  •         Select business
  •         Choose KPLC Bills (Postpaid)
  •         Choose the bill
  •         Enter the Bill account number
  •         Enter the amount
  •         Confirm the details if they are correct
  •         Enter PIN
  •         Press OK
  •         Confirm that you want to pay the bill and type 1, then press OK.·        

If the transaction is successful, you’ll receive a message from Equity confirming the transaction. But it will take up to 48 hours for KPLC to update the payment on your account.

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