The stock market business is delicate and requires training and a lot of effort to work out your way. It involves the exchange of currencies or equities with buyers and sellers to make a profit. It involves quite a lot, but by the end of this article, you should know how you will make money on the Nairobi Stock Exchange.
How much money do I need to start trading?
To start making money at the Nairobi Stock Exchange, one has to open a trading account. The next step in the stock market is to deposit a minimum of 2000 dollars. There is no minimum deposit for some brokers, but to make money, you need to deposit something. There is also a fee charged for account opening, which is around 1200 Kenya shillings.
List of stockbrokers on the Stock Exchange
Before investing, one has to know some of the brokers involved in the stock market and what are their fees and requirements. You can easily contact them and enquire about this from them.
Here is a list of some of the brokers that are in the Nairobi Stock Exchange;
- Suntra Investment ltd
- Kingdom Securities Ltd
- AIB-AXYS Africa
- Kestrel Capital (EA) Limited
- Genghis Capital Ltd
- Kenya Commercial Bank capital
- Absa Securities Ltd
- Securities Africa Kenya Ltd
- Renaissance Capital (Kenya)
- Sterling Capital Ltd
- SBG Securities Limited
- Old Mutual Securities Limited
- Francis Drummond and company Limited
These are just but a few of the brokers that are listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange website. To get their contacts and addresses, feel free to visit the Nairobi Stock Exchange Website.
Tips to make money on the Stock Exchange
For one to make money on the NSE, it is best to get training and know what you will be dealing with. Learn more about the shares, equities, and commodities. Get to know about fundamental and technical analysis and always be up to date with the financial news.
Is the Nairobi Stock Exchange?
The NSE is a really good place to make money. It only involves buying and selling of shares which is quite easy as well as quite hard as it requires some analysis. You can always start with a minimum of 500 shillings, and with the right analysis, this can grow a huge way.