How Does FNB Pay To Cell Work In South Africa

How Does FNB Pay To Cell Work In South Africa

How does FNB Pay to Cell work in South Africa? If you are also asking this question, then check out this guide!

FNB pay to Cell is a money transfer service involving the transfer of funds to an FNB account using the recipient’s cellphone.

To use the service, all you need is the recipient’s mobile phone number.

How Does FNB Pay To Cell Work

You don’t need the recipient’s account details to send them money as you only need their phone number.

FNB Pay to Cell costs between R8.50 and R12.50 for transactions between R0.01 and R1500.

Follow the steps below to make a Pay to Cell transaction:

  1. First, log in to FNB mobile banking at
  2. Next, select Pay
  3. Next, select Pay2Cell
  4. After that, select the recipient’s country
  5. Next, enter their cell number, amount, and reference
  6. After that, confirm your transaction 

You will receive a confirmation screen and an inContact notification if the amount is over R100.

This is how FNB Pay to Cell works in South Africa.

How To Access FNB Pay To Cell

You can access Pay to Cell from the FNB official website or through the FNB USSD code.

Dial *120*321# on the mobile phone registered to your FNB account.

After that, select the banking option and opt for Pay2Cell from the list displayed.

After that choose an option to transfer funds from South Africa to Swaziland or Lesotho.

This is how to access FNB Pay to Cell in South Africa.

How To Make A Pay to Cell Transaction Using The USSD Code

Follow the steps below to make a Pay2Cell transaction:

  1. First dial *120*321# on your phone
  2. Next, enter your cellphone banking PIN
  3. Next select Payments
  4. Next, select Pay2Cell
  5. After that, enter the recipient’s country
  6. Next, enter the recipient’s cell phone number
  7. After that, enter the amount to send and click confirm

This is how to make an FNB Pay to Cell transaction in South Africa.

What Is The FNB Pay To Cell Limit

The daily transaction limit through Pay2Cell is R1 500.

You cannot transfer more than this amount even if you have more funds.

If you have reached your daily limit, you will have to wait till the next day for it to reset.

This is the FNB Pay to Cell daily transfer limit in South Africa.

This simple and easy article Was Last Updated on by Editorial Team

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