Does Amazon deliver to New Zealand

Does Amazon deliver to New Zealand, Yes, Amazon Ship To NZ

In this article, you will find an answer to the question: does Amazon deliver to New Zealand? You will know if Amazon ships to New Zealand or not.

Amazon is continually expanding their international delivery capabilities by establishing new fulfillment centers in nations worldwide.

 There have been reports that Amazon will be coming to New Zealand, and New Zealand citizens may be eager to find out whether or not these reports are genuine.

If you live in New Zealand, you might be curious about whether or not Amazon offers shipping to your country.

If that is the case, you should keep reading this article to learn what information I discovered.

Does Amazon deliver to New Zealand?

Amazon ships only selected items to New Zealand. Amazon Australia is now welcoming customers from New Zealand through its online doors.

New Zealanders will now be able to buy millions of products from, enabling a faster and cheaper delivery than ordering from

There is currently no word whether Amazon will open warehouse locations in New Zealand; however, there is no word as to whether Amazon will open warehouse locations in NZ.

How to ship from Amazon to New Zealand

Amazon offers a Global Store, which enables residents of New Zealand to place orders through Amazon’s primary website. Even though New Zealanders can now take advantage of more local shipping and delivery by ordering from Amazon Australia, Amazon does maintain a Global Store.

The Global Store is eligible for Amazon Prime, which enables the service’s expedited shipping to countries worldwide, including New Zealand.

Shipping to overseas destinations will take between four and six business days for Prime members. Shipping will typically take between seven and ten business days for customers who are not Prime members.

You will do all of your shopping on Amazon, during which you will check to see which things are available for shipment to New Zealand, and you will only purchase those items using this first option.

Visit Your New Amazon Ireland Homepage

You are currently located in Ireland and planning to purchase the American version of (which is simply referred to as, but when you reach the checkout page, you are advised that the item cannot be shipped to Ireland.

You’re going to want to have this information handy if you need to weed out anything that’s sold exclusively in the United States and so can’t be brought to Ireland. Because of this, you won’t have to waste your time dealing with things that can’t be transported outside of the United States.

Set Up Your 1-Click Address

Go to your account’s “Purchase Preferences” section, make sure your address in Ireland is listed as the default address, and enable “1-click ordering” in your browser.

If you aren’t already set up in this manner, all you need to do is input your Irish address and make it your primary address. You will never need to utilize the 1-click ordering feature, but you must allow it here so that Amazon only offers you things that can be shipped to Ireland.

Through Freight Forwarders

To ship Amazon to New Zealand is possible by hiring freight Forwarders. These companies provide you with an address so that you can ship your purchases to them, and they deliver them to you.

Simply register an account with a Freight Forwarder, and you’ll never have to worry about purchasing from Amazon and delivering to New Zealand.

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